When a loved one needs non-emergency medical transport, it can be difficult to know what option is right for them and their health. What is the best way to get them where they need to be? Should you fly or should you use ground transport? This blog post will help you decide what the best option for your loved one is.

What is long distance medical transport?

Long distance medical transport is a type of transportation service that helps patients with non-emergency medical transport. This type of service can be extremely important for people that are in need of moving closer to family to be cared for or who need to get treatment that isn’t available in their local area.

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to medical transport cost, so let’s take a look at some options and see what is right for you.

Long Distance Medical Transport Cost

Pros of Air Transport

Air travel is faster by far than any other type of long-distance medical transport, including driving, busing, train rides, or boat/ferry transportation. This can be especially important if your loved one needs to get to their destination within a certain amount of time.

Cons of Air Transport

The biggest con of using air transport for medical reasons is that the cost can be very high. For example, if you need to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco for treatment, it may not make sense financially for you or your loved one to fly when driving would take about the same time and work out much cheaper.

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Pros of Ground Transport

The main pro of ground transport is that it’s typically less expensive than air transport, and the cost depends on how far away the patient needs to go, what they need taken along with them (luggage, wheelchair), and the vehicle they’re driving.

Other pros include how much more comfortable ground transport is compared to air transport, especially because they are not accompanied by an attendant at all times. Ground transportation options also give you and your loved one time to decompress and relax, which can be very helpful in these situations.

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Cons of Ground Transport

The main con to using ground transport for long-distance patients is that it’s slower than air travel and can take longer depending on how many layovers you have along the way. For example, if a patient needs to get from New York City to San Francisco, it might take them a day or two by bus/train while they could arrive much quicker via air transport. In the end, choosing between air and ground transport comes down to two key factors: how fast you need to get to your destination and how much money you want or can afford to spend. Both options have their own set of pros and cons, so it’s important to weigh them all carefully before making a decision.

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