The cost of long distance medical transport depends on a variety of factors, including the patients mental and physical health, equipment and personal needs, the dates of travel and the departure and arrival locations. In all scenarios, flying on a commercial airline with a flight nurse is far less expensive than using an air ambulance.
The companies that provide long distance medical transport services on commercial flights are known as non-emergency medical transport (NEMT) companies. An NEMT company makes all flight arrangements for its clients and provides an experienced flight nurse to accompany patients on their journey.
Flying Angels has years of experience in the NEMT field. The company has a staff of experienced flight coordinators and flight nurses who are certified to provide high-altitude healthcare.
Examples of Long Distance Medical Cost: Updated October 2023
While many variables factor into long distance medical transport cost, Flying Angels provides examples of cost ranges based on the typical patient and a variety of distances. It’s important to remember these represent estimates only. The cost will vary depending on other circumstances, including when you travel, the equipment you need and your current health.
Examples of medical transport cost ranges include the following.
- To and From the Mid-Atlantic region to Florida ($8,000 to $9,500)
- To and From the West Coast to East Coast ($8,000 to $10,000)
- Hawaii ($9,000 to $11,000)
- South America ($12,000 to $17,000)
- Asia ($25,000 to $35,000)
For those looking for medical flights into the United States from other locations around the world, estimated costs include $10,000 to $15,000 to fly from Europe and $20,000 to $28,000 to fly from Asia.

NEMT Frequently Asked Questions
When it comes to long distance medical transport, potential clients often ask questions about what they get in the service. All the following are based on what we do at Flying Angels.
What Is NEMT?
Non-emergency medical transport involves having an experienced flight nurse travel on a commercial flight with senior patients or those with medical conditions who cannot travel on their own. NEMT is not an air ambulance, which is far more costly. But NEMT services can take patients anywhere in the world via commercial flights.
Who Uses NEMT Services?
Anyone who cannot safely travel alone can use NEMT services. This includes seniors, disabled travelers, post-operative patients and those with serious injuries. A flight nurse handles every aspect of the patient’s needs, from oxygen to ventilators, both in the airports and during the fight.
What Kind of Planes Do You Use?
Flying Angels makes all the travel arrangements for its clients, using available commercial flights. That’s a far more cost-effective way to approach long distance medical transport, as opposed to using an air ambulance.
How Quickly Can You Depart?
While not an emergency service, it’s typically possible to get patients booked on a flight within 24 to 48 hours. The earlier you can get in touch, the better for getting the best flights well in advance. NEMT and long distance medical transport offer patients the chance to travel in comfort while knowing their healthcare is in good hands and the cost is much more reasonable than other methods.