Medical Repatriation Services

Medical Repatriation Services From Flying Angels
When it comes to travel, sometimes the unexpected happens. Injury, illness or trauma can lead to travelers getting stuck while in another country. Medical repatriation is the process of returning someone to their home country as quickly as possible. The goal is to get them back home, so they are in the care of their regular physician and spared the high cost of medical services in another country. Flying Angels specializes in medical repatriation services that get people back home quickly and safely.
Advantages of Medical Repatriation Services
When injured or ill while traveling abroad, it’s difficult to deal with doctors, hospitals and transportation issues on your own. The healthcare professionals at Flying Angels have expertise in the medical repatriation services needed to clear bureaucratic hurdles in other countries, getting you back home as fast as possible.
Flying Angels provides a less expensive and efficient alternative to evacuation via air ambulance.
Medical Repatriation Services Provided by Flying Angels
Flying Angels provides support in a variety of ways that make senior relocation much less challenging.
Booking the Trip
Flight Coordinators at Flying Angels book the flights and ground transportation needed to return back to your home country by the most direct route available. They handle all arrangements with both domestic and foreign airlines.
Working With Insurance Companies
Flying Angels works with your insurance provider to ensure you are qualified for medical repatriation.
Working With Medical Providers
Flying Angels handles communication with foreign medical staff and officials, as well as ensuring all paperwork is done properly. Medical professionals at Flying Angels consult with clinical staff in foreign countries to ensure you are stable enough to fly.
Care During Flight
Flying Angels Flight Nurses travel with you on your journey home, managing medications and any needed medical equipment (including wheelchairs). They have specialized training and years of trauma and emergency care experience, making them able to handle any situation that comes up during the flight.
Why Choose Flying Angels?
Flying Angels has a well-deserved reputation as being the best at providing non-emergency medical transport services in a variety of situations.
Travel Arrangements
Flying Angels works with commercial airlines and airports around the world on your behalf, making all the arrangements for your trip.
Years of Experience
Every Flight Coordinator and Flight Nurse has years of experience in providing non-emergency medical transport services. Nurses who fly with patients have training in high-altitude nursing care.
Specialty Care
Flying Angels Flight Nurses manage care for a wide variety of conditions and illnesses, including dementia, diabetes, mobility challenges, wheelchair users, patients on ventilators and other equipment, stroke and heart attack patients, and those with injuries (such as a broken bone).
Door to Door NEMT
Flying Angels provides door-to-door non-emergency transportation services that make medical repatriation far less challenging. When you are injured in a foreign country, professional care is what you want to make the journey home as fast and safe as possible.