Most people travelling with cancer do so during breaks in their treatments. However, if an emergency or other situation requires you to fly during chemotherapy, you can safely do so by following a doctor’s advice, taking extra medication with you, knowing where to get care at every point along the trip and arranging for a medical professional to travel with you.

All these tips can help you fly during chemotherapy, even if it is not the optimum situation for you. In some cases, it’s best to approach these types of trips as you would critical care travel and ensure that you have an experienced nurse on hand throughout your trip.

What Is Critical Care Travel?

The following tips can help you fly during chemotherapy without regretting the experience.

Consult With Your Doctor

The first step is to talk with your doctor and get her OK to fly. Your physician also will have suggestions and ideas that can help make the trip go more smoothly. Go into the meeting with your doctor prepared with all the details of your trip, including information about your planned methods of transportation and the access to medical care at your destination.

Get Help Leaving the Hospital After Discharge

Pack Extra Medication

Whatever medications you are taking during chemotherapy, make sure you have a plentiful supply before you get on the plane. Keep the medications with you rather than putting them in checked baggage. Also, keep a copy of your prescription with you, which will make it easier to refill if your medication gets lost.

Travel With A Flight Nurse

Flight nurses have experience in providing medical care in high-altitude environments. Those who work with a non-emergency medical flight company can help you book your trip as well as provide medical care from the moment you leave your house until you reach your destination. People use flight nurses for everything from holiday travel to post-surgery travel or just for the safety of having a medical professional on hand.

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Look Up Medical Care

Don’t start your trip without knowing where you can find medical care along every point of your trip. That includes the nearest hospitals and clinics near where you plan to stay. Make sure to check with your insurance company and ensure you are covered if you need to get medical services during your trip – they may require that you see a specific physician or go to a specific hospital.

Medical Travel Insurance vs Trip Insurance

Don’t Overdo It

People who travel with cancer need to rest during their trip. It’s important to plan ahead and give yourself time for long breaks so you can recharge your batteries. That will make the time when you are on the move and with others that much more enjoyable. By keeping these tips in mind, you can fly during chemotherapy. But always remember to keep your care and health top of mind. When travelling with cancer, your well-being must come first.

Let's Discuss Your Medical Transportation Options

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