At some point, you may end up facing the task of having to travel when you’re injured. It can seem daunting, but it’s something that can be done if you take the time to plan it carefully.

Travel When You’re Injured

Professional services such as Flying Angels specialize in assisting people with injury or illness in managing travel and taking commercial flights. If you are planning to travel when you’re injured, getting professional assistance is often the right choice.

Here are a few travel tips to keep in mind as well.

Check with Your Doctor

The first rule of travel when you’re injured is to make sure your doctor thinks it’s OK. Until you get that green light, don’t make any air travel plans. You’ll also want to talk to your doctor and get advice for anything they feel you should do to prepare for the trip.

Call Ahead

Many airports and airlines will provide specialized services for those traveling with an injury. That includes wheelchairs to take you to the terminal, handling your baggage for you and giving you a chance to board the plane first (and, usually, get off last). Once you arrive at your destination, you also can get help getting to your ground transportation.

Pack Light

While you can get assistance with your bags, make it easy on yourself by packing as lightly as possible. This will help at every phase of your trip. One rule of thumb is to not pack more than you can handle yourself, because at some point – even with assistance – you might have to. Keeping that mind will help you keep your packing at a minimum.

Recognize Your Limitations

This goes together with asking for assistance – as in, always ask for assistance if needed. Don’t push yourself. Recognize before you leave for the airport what you can and can’t do and keep yourself within those limits. This is one of the most important considerations if you plan to travel when you’re injured and don’t hesitate or be embarrassed to ask for help.

Have Patience, And Take Your Time

This is the trip where you want to leave early and have plenty of time to get around the airport. Don’t get into a position where you feel rushed. You’ll need time to navigate the airport and get to the gate on time. You’ll feel much less stress if you’ve given yourself plenty of time. Also, grant yourself lots of patience. Some things will just take longer to do and there’s nothing to be done about it.

These days, traveling when you’re injured is completely doable. All it takes is the right planning and a good attitude. And if you need professional help, don’t hesitate to contact Flying Angels. Helping people in these type situations is what they do best.

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