Senior relocation services refer to organizations that offer seniors support when they decide to downsize and move. They offer help in planning the move, leaning out their current home, and in making the move itself.

It’s an important service because while moving is tough for people at any age, it can prove especially hard for seniors. They often face having to leave a home where they’ve lived for years and accumulated many memories. 

That’s a tough situation for both the seniors and their children. Senior relocation services can make a world of difference in dealing with relocating their parents. They range from concierge services who manage all the logistics of a move to nonprofit organizations that provide free labor for moving day.

Types of Senior Relocation Services

Every senior reaches a point where they start to think about downsizing and moving to a new town, often to live closer to loved ones. They also may move to live in the warmer climates of places such as Florida and Arizona or in an assisted living for family. Senior relocation services offer support in all phases of making the move.

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Moving Planners

Sometimes called concierge services, these companies offer turnkey services that include packing, unpacking, space planning, downsizing, car transport and change of address. They also will come in person and evaluate what the seniors have, helping them develop a plan to declutter their home. Seniors should focus on working with senior move managers accredited by the National Association of Senior and Specialty Move Managers (NASMM). 

Another source for seniors who plan to downsize or move are the Aging Life Care Specialists who are part of the Aging Life Care Association. They offer a network of specialists across the country who assist people who are dealing with aging life care issues.

What is Aging Life Care™?

Labor-Only Services

These are like regular moving companies, but they specialize in moving seniors. Or they’re a regular moving company that offers discounted rates for seniors. In either case, they can handle all the heavy lifting involved with moving that seniors cannot handle.

Non-Emergency Medical Transport

For seniors living with medical conditions or injuries that make it difficult to fly to their new destination alone, a non-emergency medical transport (NEMT) flight nurse can travel with them. They manage all medications and specialize in providing care at high altitudes. They also can manage booking all the travel arrangements.

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Non-Profit Organizations

Some non-profit organizations offer programs that help lower income seniors with moving costs. They include the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities and the YMCA.

Downsizing Tips for Seniors

One of the most difficult parts of making a move for seniors is decluttering their current home and downsizing to fit into their new home. It’s a great feeling to accomplish this task, but it does require having a plan. The following tips can help.

Start As Early As Possible

Seniors should start a couple of months in advance with a checklist of what they need to accomplish before making the move. This checklist can include:

  • Getting floor plan of new home
  • Choosing which furniture to move
  • Getting rid of unwanted possessions
  • Contacting utilities ahead of time to turn off service
  • Filling any prescriptions needed before the move

That’s just a sample of the many items you might find on a moving checklist

One Room At A Time

A good strategy to employ for a move is to do one room at the time. Completely clear out a room and pack it up before moving on to the next one. It’s a systematic approach that breaks the work into doable chunks.

When cleaning out rooms, keep in mind to eliminate any duplicate items. It’s amazing how many of these pile up over the years, especially in the kitchen. Also, chances are moving into a smaller place means having fewer rooms, such as a second guest room or an office. Declutter belongings with this in mind.

Sell or Give Away Items

When the time comes, don’t hesitate to sell some of your items through a yard sale or through online markets such as eBay. A little extra cash can help pay the costs of your move. However, keep in mind that most items won’t bring in much cash, so limit the time you want to spend in this area. It might be better to consider giving many items away to charity or to family and friends.

These tips can help you start planning your move, while senior relocation services can help the entire process go much smoother. 

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