medical jet ambulance services

People seek medical jet ambulance services for non-emergency travel for a variety of reasons. They include seniors relocating to a new home, those who suffer from disabilities and injuries that make it difficult to fly alone, and people injured while on vacation who need a healthcare professional to travel with them on the journey home.

Finding medical jet ambulance services is not difficult, but only if you know what to look for in non-emergency medical transport (NEMT). The best NEMT companies offer affordable rates, the ability to book your trip for you, and experienced flight nurses who travel with you to your final destination.

What Are Medical Jet Ambulance Services?

Non-emergency medical transport and medical jet ambulance services provide an alternative for those who want medical support during a trip but are not in an emergency situation. In most cases, the cost between the two is significant. For example, those in another country who have an accident will pay a fraction of the cost to contact an NEMT company for transportation home than they would for emergency services.

With NEMT, an RN flight coordinator books all the travel for you through commercial airlines, ensuring that you have non-stop flights as often as possible and easy connections when a plane change is necessary. They also will book ground transport to and from both departure and destination airports.

Flight nurses travel with you, managing all aspects of healthcare during the journey. That includes managing any medical equipment (including getting it safely through security), securing the best seats on the flight and overseeing administration and storage of medications. 

Who Needs Medical Jet Ambulance Services?

Medical jet ambulance services provide peace of mind for those who need help traveling long distances. Many different situations can lead to working with an NEMT company. Situations that could involve medical transport include:

  • Seniors who want assistance when relocating to a new home
  • Traveling to see a specialist in another city
  • Those with dementia issues
  • Those have suffered an injury that impacts mobility
  • People with disabilities or chronic medical condition that makes it difficult to navigate an airport on their own
  • Someone who has experienced a medical emergency in another country and is trying to get home
  • Seniors who feel more comfortable making long distance trips with medical assistance 

What to Look For in Medical Jet Ambulance Services

The first issue is to ensure that the flight nurses working for an NEMT company have experience in providing medical care in trauma situations, such as a hospital emergency room. They also should have training in providing medical care at high altitudes.

The best NEMT companies provide end-to-end service, working with commercial airlines and airports to ensure that your trip goes smoothly. They make all the arrangements for the trip and work with you on what to bring for the journey and also guide you through the airport, including security.

It’s also best to find an NEMT with years of experience and the ability to handle travel to both domestic and international destinations. 

Medical jet ambulance services offer the security of knowing you are in the hands of medical professionals throughout your trip on a commercial airline. No matter what reason you need NEMT services, they can ensure those needs are met. 

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