International entry requirements are still confusing. Here’s where to find answers.

November 3, 2021

If you’re headed abroad, you’re probably a little confused about pandemic entry requirements. So was Barbara Moss before she left for a recent Douro River cruise in Portugal. Did she have to show her vaccination card? A negative test result? If so, which one? And how about her return flight to the United States?

Moss’s travel adviser recommended that she check the State Department’s covid-19 country-specific information page before she flew to Lisbon. Portugal also publishes an official tourism website that has a page with the latest information on entry requirements, which Moss reviewed. But she still had questions, so she checked with her cruise line.

“Our cruise line’s website didn’t appear to have anything mentioning requirements beyond needing to be vaccinated,” says Moss, a retired interior designer from Arlington, Va.

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